Ideal for Miami and South Florida parents that want to create a safe and appropriate play space in their home, Lisa Chariff Better offers RIE Bred in-home consultations. In the privacy of your own home, Lisa will use the Pikler® approach and Magda Gerber’s Educaring® Approach to tailor to your baby’s specific needs. During the consultation, Lisa can address topics such as:
- Creating an environment that is physically safe, cognitively challenging, and emotionally nurturing
- Freedom to explore
- Time for uninterrupted play
- Observation
- Reading baby’s cues and how best to respond
- Bonding and attachment
- Preparing the home environment for play
- Diapering, dressing, feeding and bathing
- Sleep
- Expectations and discipline for your baby and toddler
- Sibling relationships
- Gross Motor
- Crying
- Weaning
For more information or to schedule a private consultation, please fill out the Contact Form.